As the weather starts cooling down again, I'm thinking about what I can wear to keep me swimming outside longer. Anyone got any strong thoughts on neoprene jammers, swimskins or similar? I have a Zone 3 full length wetsuit, but would like something to bridge the gap when the water drops below 20 but the air is still around 25 and I can't bear forcing myself into a full wetsuit.
If you keep swimming outdoors fairly regularly, you should be fine in trunks pretty much year round in the sea, or until close to Christmas in freshwater.
As the weather starts cooling down again, I'm thinking about what I can wear to keep me swimming outside longer. Anyone got any strong thoughts on neoprene jammers, swimskins or similar? I have a Zone 3 full length wetsuit, but would like something to bridge the gap when the water drops below 20 but the air is still around 25 and I can't bear forcing myself into a full wetsuit.