There’s no BT line, not sure about how the FTTH is powered. Could always add a 4G dongle to the AP, still would need power to another AP at another location (which is the wfh office - granted that could also be a larger power station that way I could also power the displays…)
I agree adding tado to the list above was not necessary :-) House batt and solar would be 20-50 times more expensive than what I have in mind, plus might have to deal with bad workmanship.
Looking for a 'battery backup' to provide my modem/WiFi and other things with 12v and 5v. Maybe 50W or so of power, passthrough charging and preferably screw terminals for output. But I want LiFePO4 cells, not regular Li-Ion/LiPo chemistry.
All options I could find were camping-oriented 'power station's with 240V inverters etc. on them (with huge capacity), so the price jumps to £300-£800 range as opposed to what would be a £50 gadget. I would get more than one to power multiple APs + hue/Tado/blink etc. I don't want to just use a passthrough powerbank and run the cells flat in a few months/years, if not worse.
I could get a LiFePO4 pack from HobbyKing, a chemistry-specific charger circuit and bunch of buck-boost regulators and make it a project but I don't want to do that. To make it viable you'd need
to design cooling, a case and other not-fun things, where I just want to get a few and set it up.