If you’re a complete beginner and are just starting out and seeing what you like, there’s a reasonable argument that if you have a decent smartphone then this is a pretty good starter, plus you’ll have it on you most of the time so are more likely to use it and get comfortable with framing and finding the right scene to photo.
If you’re feeling constrained by the lack of manual controls on a smartphone then look for something that hits those pain points. If you’re at that stage now then go into Parks Cameras or London Camera Exchange and talk to one of the team to see what they recommend. They usually have a good selection of second hand stuff within the group that they can get in for you rather than running the gamut of eBay. Might be more expensive, but at least it’ll have been checked and have some form of warranty.
Check mpb.
Xt10/20 is great for you but tbh I would just use the phone if I was you.Or get a decent compact, there is very good stuff out there. But in that price range, probably would go to a older Ricoh GRD IV or something after that like the Ricoh GR if fits in your budget.
Think about portability and how much stuff you have to carry in order to keep it juiced with power, chargers etc, for me that is important too.
Hello all,
A complete camera noob here.
Looking for a basic small-ish camera for travelling and taking instagrammy pictures for my miss. Something cheap and simple to use with no previous photograpy skills.
I had brief eperience with friends Fuji camera (think it was X-T100) and quite liked the rigid construction and simple use - managed to get a couple nice pics with no idea how to use the camera.
So Im looking at X-T10 as it seems small and simple (and cheepish - about 250 on ebay for decent condition ones..)
Anyone on here maybe thinking of selling something similar?
If not and I end up going with ebay one - how do I choose a all-round compact lens for it without breaking the bank?
Your expertise is highly appreciated. Many thanks!