Maybe what you are looking for?
Don't think it's exactly what you want, but it reminds me of apidura's mussette: https://www.apidura.com/shop/packable-musette/
I like mine a lot, use it for everyday stuff too. Stitches on one of the straps started to give, but my mum fixed that :)
Like this? Haven't tried it though.
https://zpacks.com/products/multi-pack -
I’ve definitely seen some paraglider pilots with similar gear strapped onto them, but wouldn’t have a specific brand or name to recommend as I haven’t looked into that myself. Not sure they’d be waterproof as people usually don’t fly when it’s rainy, but you never known. Maybe look at Neo or other makers?
Just saw this in a video posted by @Velocio in the camping thread. May or may not be suitable for your use case as I think it needs another backpack to attach to.
I know this is the wrong place, however I know that the people in the know will be subscribed.
I want a chest bag like the photo but made from decent materials, ideally waterproof. Does anyone know a maker? Before I get one custom made.
Cc @JB
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