What's the history of the machine? Need to rule out scale before anything else.
The classic steam thermostat limits it quite a lot, such that you need to start steaming very soon after flicking the steam switch. Also, don't open the valve fully, try just a quarter turn. I guess you've tried that though?
Just bought the machine off here, so getting to grips with it. The steam straight after hitting the switch is the opposite to my old machine, so that takes some getting used to.
I’ll try the quarter turn too, I’d briefly tried that to not much avail.
I guess a strip down and descale is on the cards.
It is pulling nice shots tho.
Still struggling with the steam wand. Does this look “normal” or do I need to fiddle with something. Even after a minute of (admittedly poor technique) steaming milk, I achieve absolutely no texture. Never had any problem on my Cubika with what I thought was a much poorer steam wand.