A mixture of bits I've accrued over the past while which are surplus to requirements.
FSA Slk 27.2mm 350mm seatpost £30
Dura ace 7800 brake calliper £30
105 pedals £30
Arx pro stem, 100mm £20
Lezyne pump £25
A600 pedals £25
Xtr pedals £10 (pretty toasted but still functional)
Suntour sprint brakes £40 (missing one barrel adjuster which I should hopefully be able to locate)
A mixture of bits I've accrued over the past while which are surplus to requirements.
FSA Slk 27.2mm 350mm seatpost £30
Dura ace 7800 brake calliper £30
105 pedals £30
Arx pro stem, 100mm £20
Lezyne pump £25
A600 pedals £25
Xtr pedals £10 (pretty toasted but still functional)
Suntour sprint brakes £40 (missing one barrel adjuster which I should hopefully be able to locate)
Happy to post at cost.
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