Before I make one anyone got a spreadsheet for working out various mortgage scenarios handy? Current fixed term expires in Feb, and we're thinking about moving any time from now until next summer so options seem to be something like:
Move early and pay small ERC, but possibly struggle to find a place due to quietening market towards Christmas.
Remortgage here and port to new place in spring next year (currently got 5.5% locked in) more fees?
Lapse on to SVR and start new mortgage in new place early spring next year.
Something I'm missing?
Possibly over thinking it and ultimately small differences won't sway us away from somewhere we really like, but just want to check in not gonna totally shaft myself.
Because people cannot afford to move right now, the interest rates are wild and the boom is slowing down. Were defo heading into this recession and not taking wild risks right now if you dont need to is the answer.
Yep, this is what we're feeling, despite what the agents say to the contrary, I think August is usually quiet anyway but was reading that it's been especially so this year.
Before I make one anyone got a spreadsheet for working out various mortgage scenarios handy? Current fixed term expires in Feb, and we're thinking about moving any time from now until next summer so options seem to be something like:
Possibly over thinking it and ultimately small differences won't sway us away from somewhere we really like, but just want to check in not gonna totally shaft myself.