I’d maybe avoid VM if these news stories are anything to go by: https://www.which.co.uk/policy-and-insight/article/which-tackles-unfair-broadband-price-hikes-by-demanding-ofcom-investigation-of-unlawful-virgin-media-contracts-aHbcc2V9AUqT
Can you get BT fibre to the house? I’ve got that and get pretty consistent 150 down, 50up which is what I pay for and seems to be very minimal deviation from that over the day.
So im in a area that until recently has never had virgin or really fast internet.
I'm currently on BT Fibre, but fuck me its chronic. Upload 7-9mb and Download 44mb but in reality it doesnt work anywhere near that.
Upload a 1.4gb file and it took 35 mins, is there anyway I can get BT business to sort it or am I gonna have to ride out this shit contract till I can move.