This is a problem with ltn and other quickly implemented road restrictions, the street with the most people able to communicate and curry favour with councillors get the quiet street they always wanted, moves and compounds the issues on other streets. Kinda a "not my problem mate".
Our street in Glasgow is currently open to traffic in all directions but apart from school drop off time is super quiet, like quieter than a rural village. Great neighbours and general vibe.
About to change though as planning is submitted for turning the area into a one way system with all outbound traffic for entire neighbourhood has to go down our street as will be the single only way out.
The wattsapp groups and email circulars are on fire right now. It's pretty ugly #1stworldproblems for sure.
It’s only the top half of Manor Road that’s become more of a rat run; the lower half is still quiet.
Agreed about the community aspect of shorter, LTN’ed streets. We had to campaign to get the end of ours closed off, as the modal closure half way down Vicarage Road would have turned ours into a rat run; the WhatsApp group followed shortly afterwards.
Now most of the roads parallel to ours have been locked off also. It’s fabulous, but there was a lot of vocal resistance from some residents, including several people repeatedly pouring bleach into the new planters acting as LTN roadblocks… mind boggling.