I am reminded of the Fast Show character who always agreed with what the last bloke said. The only thing really clear to me is that anything recommended on here will serve my purpose well, at modest cost, and will likely go with something if I upgrade later. I may go for the Edifier speakers for my office, and if I am feeling flush in a month or two, go for the WiiM/Fosi thing recommended for my other bigger room, which has telly, sofa, turbo, Concept 2. I can do both of these for just a few quid more than the speakers I was looking at before asking here. Really appreciated.
I am reminded of the Fast Show character who always agreed with what the last bloke said. The only thing really clear to me is that anything recommended on here will serve my purpose well, at modest cost, and will likely go with something if I upgrade later. I may go for the Edifier speakers for my office, and if I am feeling flush in a month or two, go for the WiiM/Fosi thing recommended for my other bigger room, which has telly, sofa, turbo, Concept 2. I can do both of these for just a few quid more than the speakers I was looking at before asking here. Really appreciated.