We've received an unknown user error 10 times in a row starting on the date above... after 10 times Sendgrid will protect the email reputation of the IP address we use by abandoning all future efforts.
I'll remove that error, which should make it resume.
Thanks; still no emails coming through though, and changing any of the email notifications settings on my LFGSS profile doesn't work (any checkboxes I tick become un-checked when clicking 'Apply')...
I found this, how did you get your emails working again? I am only getting a tiny amount compared to normal
Pretty much anything from the miscellaneous page isn't coming through.
Nothing to do with the MX.
2023/06/02 6:17am 550 Unknown user
We've received an unknown user error 10 times in a row starting on the date above... after 10 times Sendgrid will protect the email reputation of the IP address we use by abandoning all future efforts.
I'll remove that error, which should make it resume.