Good stuff, did it feel more efficient?
Try strengthening those calves, they get worked over hard when you don't heel-strike.
@chalfie you recommended a youtube/insta running trainer/physio maybe 6 months ago - do you remember the details? He showed me a great alternative to the usual heel raise exercise which has really helped me.
I tried this on Friday last week after reading your post.
I'd long thought that I'd been running 'wrong' because I heel strike and never seem to have a lot of lift in my legs (for want of a better description) but I've never really looked at my stride pattern before.
I did a 5k trying to land further forward on my feet. It's hard to explain but it felt like I had more potential power that I could use, but also felt more anaerobically taxing and I started to feel it in my calves before I'd even finished. Later that day, and the following day (and still today, Monday, a bit) my calves were quite painful.
I don't know if training and perservering is actually worth it, because from what I've read opinion is divided on whether heel strike is actually 'wrong'. So I'm not sure what's next.
I realised I've probably been running wrong! Never really gave it any thought. I run 1 or 2 times a week off road for 45mins-1hr.
Normally try and run as fast as I can, probably a bit hunched over and heel striking!
Today I switched to some Alras, tried increasing cadence, slowing down and mid strike.
It felt weird a bit like I was trying to run on the spot more than forward. Increasing cadence whilst slowing down also felt odd. Definitely got the mid foot strike and posture sorted.