Worth checking who the pension provider is and what funds they offer before making any decisions. Mine is NEST and their funds are shit so there's not much point dumping a load of money in there. If the funds you've got to choose from are shitty then it might be worth prioritising the mortgage or a SIPP over the pension.
Investing £100 in equities is probably better than investing £107 in ultraconservative bonds over a timescale of a few years
Not easily if the employer is still paying into it, I think. Despite the funds not quite being to my tastes my employer match is pretty good so worth sticking with it. I could ask them to pay into a SIPP for me at the same rate I guess
Worth checking who the pension provider is and what funds they offer before making any decisions. Mine is NEST and their funds are shit so there's not much point dumping a load of money in there. If the funds you've got to choose from are shitty then it might be worth prioritising the mortgage or a SIPP over the pension.
Investing £100 in equities is probably better than investing £107 in ultraconservative bonds over a timescale of a few years