I had read that and it did make the decision to be a wuss a bit harder to make, especially as the 60km from Melgarve Bothy to Corrour was fun and smooth sailing (slow up the hills mind), but I was kinda at the point in self-doubt and motivation where if I was to discover that bikepacking.com or some such blog was stretching the definition of ‘rideable’, then I thought I wouldn’t have enough in the tank to finish - as in, if I had to do the first day three times over I’d be minced meat haha.
Also - the midges! A slight inconvenience more than a massive world ending pest, but fk me, stop for two seconds and they’re everywhere. I think my elbow saw about 15 seconds of exposure to open air the whole trip and got destroyed with about 15 bites, my forehead nicely peppered with roughly the same amount from riding through clouds early in the morning. They don’t fk around haha.
Good effort for getting stuck in.
The first part until you’re past the Corrieyairack is 100% the hardest and most technical.