This is what I'm doing. I increase how much I pay into the pension every year by 1% and anything left over at the end of each month goes into paying off the mortgage. The hope is that the mortgage will be paid off by the time I retire, but if it isn't, I can use the tax free lump sum to pay off what's left.
I increase how much I pay into the pension every year by 1%
That's not a bad idea. I'm still on the bare minimum employer contributions and really need to look at bumping it. Especially as one of my other regular saving plan things is maturing next month.
This is what I'm doing. I increase how much I pay into the pension every year by 1% and anything left over at the end of each month goes into paying off the mortgage. The hope is that the mortgage will be paid off by the time I retire, but if it isn't, I can use the tax free lump sum to pay off what's left.