See the Cars Crashing into Buildings thread for examples of people definitely not doing 20mph limit.
In Australia, we went strict on speeding and seems to have worked quite well in bringing down crashes. I can't believe they don't have the same speed camera tech in this country.
Conclusion from one study:
"Evaluation results estimated a 27.7% statistically significant reduction (p=0.016) in all casualty crashes associated with fixed speed camera installations. A corresponding 30.2% reduction in fatal and serious injury crashes was estimated however, this was not statistically significantly different from the estimate for all casualty crashes combined, suggesting the cameras are associated with uniform crash reduction effects across all crash severity levels. Absolute crash savings associated with the Hume Freeway point to point camera system were much greater than those estimated on the Geelong Rd spot speed camera network with annual estimated reductions of 21 and 6.8 casualty crashes
respectively associated with the cameras. This reflects the greater crash population covered by the point to point system compared to spot speed cameras, with the Hume Freeway system covering nearly 80km of road across the four enforced sections. In contrast the Geelong Rd camera system effectively covers a total of 10km of road length across the 5 camera installations evaluated which represents about 20% of the total road length. Despite this, the Geelong Rd cameras appear to be well placed covering around 37% of the total crash population."
Won't somebody think of the cars?