I guess. My interest in dotwatching wanes as the longer I'm out of it, the fewer people I know riding. Compound that with the annoying FOMO I get when not 'doing' an event and I'm quite happy to leave them be and watch the Tour or something instead.
Still got Doug riding TCR and @skinny lining up for SRMR but I think the most I knew about this year's TABR was from your posts. Don't think I even loaded the tracker.
Yeah, but it's like RRA records - roads change, safety becomes a bigger concern, especially when you have 100 people on the same roads.
I didn't know anything much about its history - I think the Inspired to Ride film (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4340740/) did more to attract entrants than anything else. Same as the Tour Divide. They'd both be way less popular without the docos.
These days I'm more interested in his NonStop route than the TABR route.