Thanks! I used Army Painter Orc Skin speed paint for the green - the rest is a combination of Citadel base/layers and some other Army Painter speed paints. The speed paints do need a bit of care and forethought to not get big dark patches but they go on really nicely with a fat brush.
I did go back round the eyes with white layer paint afterwards, but they were painted with speed paint too so it flows nicely out to the edges.
Love seeing the models being painted up!
I've recently got back into 40k with my kids. My eldest is working on a Flesh Tearers Astartes army and my youngest is doing Leviathan Tyranids. I'm painting up some Necrons and some Sons of Medusa.
Here's a couple of my Infernus marines from the Leviathan box, painted with speedpaint over zenithal.