So I just bought a pottingshed and fancy a light for it. It’s only 8x6’ so something basic from Amazon is probably fine but there’s a myriad of options with more features than I could ever fathom.
Any tried and tested options on a budget? Want on/off, either switch or proximity and would be really nice if it could go on a timer so I can give any seedlings a little extra light for a couple of hours morning and evening.
So I just bought a pottingshed and fancy a light for it. It’s only 8x6’ so something basic from Amazon is probably fine but there’s a myriad of options with more features than I could ever fathom.
Any tried and tested options on a budget? Want on/off, either switch or proximity and would be really nice if it could go on a timer so I can give any seedlings a little extra light for a couple of hours morning and evening.