I think "Dont do NorthCape 4000" is rule number 1.
I tend to agree. Most of what I hear about the event puts me off. But unfortunately I am a bit fascinated by the idea of riding up there. And the other option (North Cape Tarifa) is too much time and too early in the year to work for me, so I do get drawn to it...
Yes, but it's still too early in the year, it's during the school term which makes it hard. And I can just about get consent to have a couple of weeks for a big event that I've always wanted to do, but saying I'm going to tour around a bit and drink lots of beer would be a harder sell domestically!
I tend to agree. Most of what I hear about the event puts me off. But unfortunately I am a bit fascinated by the idea of riding up there. And the other option (North Cape Tarifa) is too much time and too early in the year to work for me, so I do get drawn to it...