Spotted something odd, the daily email wantlist from discogs that actually gets sent to my email address is totally different to the wantlist message that is in my discogs message inbox (both sent at the same time).
I noticed it yesterday and is the same today. The email version always has a fairly similar set of records every time but the discogs inbox version has records on my want list that I don't think have ever been emailed through!!
Spotted something odd, the daily email wantlist from discogs that actually gets sent to my email address is totally different to the wantlist message that is in my discogs message inbox (both sent at the same time).
I noticed it yesterday and is the same today. The email version always has a fairly similar set of records every time but the discogs inbox version has records on my want list that I don't think have ever been emailed through!!
Will have to check both from now on.