• #2
Whats this, scalping bikes now
• #3
Seems that way. It's second-hand now though, so that must halve the value...
(offer withdrawn - no Skips left, as kids have eaten them)
Suggest you pop off to eBay with this, OP, before someone calls you a name and you get all upset.
• #4
The retail was £950 and your on here trying to get £1500. At it
• #5
Not to mention that it hasn't even arrived yet. Going to be fun if someone buys it on here for the ridiculous markup (unlikely) and it disappears in transit...
• #6
Sweet markup bro
• #7
I know they where good as i had a mk2 in purple but that is a serious profit you are trying to make!
• #8
I'd stick to reselling drops of Balenciaga trainers that look like your dad's dog walking reeboks tbh
• #9
Judging by *Bay no one bought one because they really wanted one.......
• #10
Sounds like interest has been gauged
Off to FBM plz
• #11
OH ! I'm "interested" but not in any sort of way you imagine,want,like or expected.
• #12
You spelled 'gouging' wrong.
• #13
Price gouging rather than gauging
• #14
what a clopper.
there should be an instant ban for this kind of behaviour IMO. -
• #15
The pictures on the Raleigh website make want this even less.
2 Attachments
• #16
Giving that saddle a massive sniff, what a pervert.
Not as perverted as buying a bike you don't want and then trying to punt it on for 60% profit, mind you. I'd rather go down in history as a saddle sniffer.
• #17
I get the nostalgia effect, but this bike is ugly as sin. Makes me think of Homer Simpson's bubble car.
• #18
From one Raleigh Grifter to another
1 Attachment
• #19
They were shit back in the day and are shit now.
Also a name for the ‘don’t trade with’ list -
• #20
Canyon Aeroad?
• #21
please leave the forum
• #22
Nothing to do with the sale but I can see these rapidly increasing in value if they don't over produce them. Everything the MK3 should have been.
• #23
Breaking the rules properly now, I guess
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314715196401?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=2YZYk6QATzC&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=zhy6rrhhqq2&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
• #24
Really? Isn't this priced pretty much at where mk2's are at today? Not being facetious and genuinely interested as to why a non-original repro would outperform an original model.
I had a mk2 back in the early '00s - conversation starter for sure but such a horrible ride.
• #25
What a weird sellers profile on ebay. Their other items are the same q-connect stapler and a stabilo highlighter listed over and over again. Boomer or scammer or what? Weird af in any case.