Yeah. Looks like the sheen has gone on the awful parties which is good.
As a friend said to me, the only thing the older folks in Cataluña, Valencia etc. like more than racism is being from Cataluña or Valencia. So as soon as Vox start threatening their language or local institutions they’ll be out on their ears.
Already uproar here as the new Vox minister for media has said next years summer concerts won’t have any Valencian acts, only Spanish speaking.
Yeah. Looks like the sheen has gone on the awful parties which is good.
As a friend said to me, the only thing the older folks in Cataluña, Valencia etc. like more than racism is being from Cataluña or Valencia. So as soon as Vox start threatening their language or local institutions they’ll be out on their ears.
Already uproar here as the new Vox minister for media has said next years summer concerts won’t have any Valencian acts, only Spanish speaking.