I've got a bunch of various bits to shift.
There's more detail shots of basically everything in this folder, but I can probably supply more if necessary.
Used Avid Juicy BB7 S-Road cable brakes, with pads but will also supply new mismatched pads. Comes with 160mm adaptors. - £50 Removed from sale
Used Thomson x2 stem silver 110mm 10º (has some reasonable scuffs pictured, one bolt missing but I can probably dig out a full set new of bolts) - £30
Used Cannondale carbon seatpost, pretty scratched 25.4 - £25
Used BLB quill stem 60cm / 26 clamp, black - £10
Used Rapha classic shoes EU46 UK11, white, some scuffs , see other photos - £35
Used Miche Primato 51t track chainring, black 144bcd - £20
Used RockShox Reverb stealth dropper post with lever, 31.6 diameter, 430mm, cable length 112cm - £75 SOLD
Used Fi'zik Aliante R1 Braided Carbon saddle (unsure what size) - £35 SOLD
Used Wahoo Speedplay Comp pedals, cleats are fairly grubby but pedals are in good condition - £60
FOR SPARES OR REPAIR :read carefully: (I cannot guarantee this is in working order): SRAM Force AXS Rear Derailleur, medium cage I think (this one) without battery. This was in a crash and replaced. I have connected it with a battery and the cage still moves, but I haven't tested it with a chain on a cassette so I don't know if the shifting is accurate, it could be fucked. This is a complete risk on your part. - £45?
I've got a bunch of various bits to shift.
There's more detail shots of basically everything in this folder, but I can probably supply more if necessary.
Used SRAM Rival cable levers 11spd for X1 (Without hoods - replacements on ebay for £10) - £40SOLDUsed Avid Juicy BB7 S-Road cable brakes, with pads but will also supply new mismatched pads. Comes with 160mm adaptors. - £50Removed from saleUsed Thomson x2 stem silver 110mm 10º (has some reasonable scuffs pictured, one bolt missing but I can probably dig out a full set new of bolts) - £30
Used Cannondale carbon seatpost, pretty scratched 25.4 - £25
Used BLB quill stem 60cm / 26 clamp, black - £10
Used Rapha classic shoes EU46 UK11, white, some scuffs , see other photos - £35
Used Miche Primato 51t track chainring, black 144bcd - £20
Used RockShox Reverb stealth dropper post with lever, 31.6 diameter, 430mm, cable length 112cm - £75SOLDUsed Fi'zik Aliante R1 Braided Carbon saddle (unsure what size) - £35SOLDUsed Wahoo Speedplay Comp pedals, cleats are fairly grubby but pedals are in good condition - £60
FOR SPARES OR REPAIR :read carefully: (I cannot guarantee this is in working order): SRAM Force AXS Rear Derailleur, medium cage I think (this one) without battery. This was in a crash and replaced. I have connected it with a battery and the cage still moves, but I haven't tested it with a chain on a cassette so I don't know if the shifting is accurate, it could be fucked. This is a complete risk on your part. - £45?
Collection please from either SE22 or N19