Glass is in without incident - bar me cocking up a measurement for the window sill. So I now have some filling and sanding to do! Seems to open and close okay - I’m not entirely sure is square - true - plumb - whatever - but it is what it is. Work tomorrow but Tuesday will be ceiling )and maybe floor finish) day. Then it will be time for oiling bits and installing ironmongery. Then furniture. Then done. Oh power and light … fuck.
Glass is in without incident - bar me cocking up a measurement for the window sill. So I now have some filling and sanding to do! Seems to open and close okay - I’m not entirely sure is square - true - plumb - whatever - but it is what it is. Work tomorrow but Tuesday will be ceiling )and maybe floor finish) day. Then it will be time for oiling bits and installing ironmongery. Then furniture. Then done. Oh power and light … fuck.
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