I mean it's all pretty new to me, so still getting my bearings. Only started my new job this week, need a phone holder to be honest, keep pulling over and realising I've overshot by about four streets. Just about dialing my route now but that's only on Google's recommendations. Took the tube as train was majorly delayed yesterday, Waterloo to Camden Town and then cycled to the office. Not a lot in it to be honest. I think if the stop at the other end is real close to your workplace then it would be quicker but that's not the case for me, still another 20 minute walk. The tube was quiet because I was running one hour behind but if it was super busy I'd much prefer the cycle I feel. I'm also not the ideal cyclist either as have issues with my left leg and hips since being a baby, so most could probably ride it faster.
I mean it's all pretty new to me, so still getting my bearings. Only started my new job this week, need a phone holder to be honest, keep pulling over and realising I've overshot by about four streets. Just about dialing my route now but that's only on Google's recommendations. Took the tube as train was majorly delayed yesterday, Waterloo to Camden Town and then cycled to the office. Not a lot in it to be honest. I think if the stop at the other end is real close to your workplace then it would be quicker but that's not the case for me, still another 20 minute walk. The tube was quiet because I was running one hour behind but if it was super busy I'd much prefer the cycle I feel. I'm also not the ideal cyclist either as have issues with my left leg and hips since being a baby, so most could probably ride it faster.