I’ve got a powdery mildew issue on the north facing side of our garden - courgette’s get mullered every time. I tend to cut off the affected as I don’t want too much getting back in the soil but I think it’s a lost cause. I still get a decent crop so kinda live with it.
First time growing pumpkins in our plot and I didn’t realise how nuts they’d go, totally underestimated their ability to wander and how spiky they are!
I’ve got a powdery mildew issue on the north facing side of our garden - courgette’s get mullered every time. I tend to cut off the affected as I don’t want too much getting back in the soil but I think it’s a lost cause. I still get a decent crop so kinda live with it.
First time growing pumpkins in our plot and I didn’t realise how nuts they’d go, totally underestimated their ability to wander and how spiky they are!
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