In practice it basically has no effect on the assistance and top speed (guys that were repairing my DUnits said so)- but may have an impact on other metrics?
The one little hack they said you could do with gen2 is put it in emtb mode and set the crank length to 165mm or shorter. The DU gives you a little extra torque to compensate for the short crank
The customer-facing adjustment does seem kind of moot, but we ran into at least one instance where a 27.5" bike was getting incorrect speed readings and hitting cap prematurely because the DU was one the customer had cannibalized from their wrecked Edgerunner.
In practice it basically has no effect on the assistance and top speed (guys that were repairing my DUnits said so)- but may have an impact on other metrics?
The one little hack they said you could do with gen2 is put it in emtb mode and set the crank length to 165mm or shorter. The DU gives you a little extra torque to compensate for the short crank