It doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Effectively the two child limit is saying that children should be punished for the actions of their parents. Because that’s who is suffering here: kids. Innocent kids, who did nothing except be born into poor families that stepped over an arbitrary limit set by a government that hates poor people and that hates children. And it’s not just the third child who suffers, but the first and second children too.
And the fun thing? It doesn’t even save much money!
Abolishing the cap would cost £1.3bn a year but would lift 250,000 children out of poverty, and a further 850,000 would be in less deep poverty.
It’s mostly sadism from a cunt government who knows they can can get away with this shit because the press lap it up, and it can easily be sold to people as “reasonable policy”.
Yes, this, essentially. It probably doesn't really stand up to scrutiny