Bit odd he seems to claim that his performances have nothing to do with his injuries. They signed a rider after a life threatening/ potentially career ending crash as he neared the end of his career, and now seem to be claiming that you didn't realise he might not ever recover to his past form, and say that injuries have nothing to do with it. Whatever you might think of Froome (and I quite like him) I don't think you could claim he's not trying or something, which is what Sylvan Adams seems to imply.
I, for one, am stunned that Sylvan Adams doesn't think he got value for money from Chris Froome:
Everyone knew that Froome's injuries after his 2019 crash were very severe and it was unlikely he'd ever get to the point where he'd challenge for the Tour again, so why Adams chose to pay him Tour winner wages is on him, and him alone.