Or just drive it until it falls apart and get another one.
yeah, you can do that, i prefer to try and keep my cars going rather than scrapping them if possible!
none of these issues are terminal, just stuff to look out for - i'm not saying any of these things are wrong with the hippy wagon!
buying any second hand car is a gamble, and all cars have inherent issues.
My plan is to get rid of this one and not have another one. #carfree
If I need to use a car, I'll hire something.
It's somewhat ironic that I only own a car to get to bike races.
Or just drive it until it falls apart and get another one.
We've done fuck all to it since we've owned it. I think we cleaned the lights up a bit (they're still a bit foggy) and we've replaced a wheel bearing and maybe an exhaust part (that might've been on the Ford, I forget). Pretty sure the previous owner got rid of the self-levelling rear suspension.
I still need to clean it out, note mileage, etc and get a FS thread going for it.