It's very consistent for me too
Content blocker (Blockbear) makes no difference
Amplosion extension makes no difference
Wifi (either home or at work via their proxy), or phone network makes no differenceHappens on both iPad (i.e. large screen) and iPhone mini (small), Safari only
Doesn't happen when simulating an iPhone (iOS 16.4) through Xcode on a MacbookHappens when you load a forum page from a location bar url or from reloading a page
Happens when you click a numbered page button or the focum prev/next button
Doesn't happen when swiping or clicking forward/back browser buttonsNo change when clearing cookies or cache, or resetting browser preferences to default
No change when disabling javascriptMaybe I need to grab and host a static instance of a page and see if it happens that way. Then at least I'd be able to change it
As it's not everyone, but (mainly) just you, it cannot be down singly to one of the page code, the device, the browser or the software version. I think we have exhausted that. It must be one of the above in combination with a currently unknown factor.
Is there anything else about how you browse the forum that is out of the ordinary. Are you using a VPN? What popup blockers do you use? Does it make any difference whether it's browsing via wifi or phone network? Does clearing cookies or clearing the cache make any difference? Try changing any of those things, one at a time, and see what changes.