Those requests are GDPR constantly flipping the bird to assholes like Elon Musk and Paul Graham.
You likely haven't heard of Paul Graham. Unlike Musk, he's been right about computer tech on more than one occasion. But like Musk he's a rich, libertarian asshole who doesn't have to care about surveillance capitalism because it doesn't affect him. Surveillance capitalism isn't relevant to the lives of the very rich. Their lives aren't susceptible to it. They also like to think they're more powerful than any government - and mostly they're right.
GDPR was a shot across the bows of those assholes and then some. It's constant sand in their underpants. It offends their narcissistic prejudices and also inconveniences them and their companies financially. I really don't mind those occasions when I need a couple of extra clicks to see some content, because I know how much it annoys them.
Don't be like Paul and Elon.
Mandatory cookies permission requests are the worst thing to happen to the internet ever