Should work with translate.Yes, definitely anticipated.
I don't know, he had to drive his Porsche because there are no other ways to go to a restaurant in Berlin?
He had a major fit in Mai, a tumor was removed in August.
As I understand it he could have been banned from driving for a year because of the epilepsy, but wasn't warned enough/banned and decided to drive his Macan turbo anyway.
He killed a young male couple in their late twenties, a 4 year old kid and the kids 64 year old grandmother.
Going over 100 kmph in a city street.
2 years probation, 2 years driving ban, 15000€ paid to a (questionable) pedestrian charity.
Yes, it's that fucked up here in Germany.
Was the fit anticipated? If so, what is an epilepsy sufferer doing with a driving licence?