Now I have everybody's favourite scenario... two females. Two female S-Video connectors - one on the Hauppage thing and one on the handycam.
It has DV in/out in the form of an iLink (Sony's name for Firewire I now know) plug with an iLink to Firewire cable (I think) which appears to be of no use to me because neither the USB-Live2 thing nor my PC have Firewire connectors.
Going to scrounge through my boxes of cables to see if I can find something that will work...
Found two cables that look like video cables... but with connectors I've never seen before - one is Nvidia video card adapter thing which looks like S-Video but isn't and the other one looks very much like the small iLink connector... but also isn't. Idiots and their stupid connector 'standards'.
There's a cheapish Hauppage USB capture card I'll be getting when I get around to it
Hauppauge 1341 USB-Live2: Capture, display and record old VHS tapes to your PC or Laptop, Black https://amzn.eu/d/i8I2ZDA
If I were better organised I'd already have it and would have been able to lend it to you 😐