Some of the filler content when the stage was really boring was a feature called '17 questions with' or something like that.
So they ask Powless if he remembers his dreams. He said most of the time he forgets them within 30 seconds of waking up, but he remembers a nightmare he had when he was young and he still gets it when he's sick, particularly when he has a fever.
He's in the desert in an abandoned western ghost town kinda place.
In the distance he sees another town, then it suddenly explodes, like a nuclear bomb has gone off. The town is gone, and he's watching it all happen. Then he wakes up.
It sounds positively Lynchian. I'm half expecting a woodsman to appear immediately after the adjacent town has exploded asking for a light.
I liked Powless anyway and was happy to see him in the KOM jersey but he's so wholesome and fresh-faced and all American - I bet he loves good coffee and cherry pie - I think he might be the Dale Cooper of the peloton, so now I like him even more.
I think the highlights of the stage so far for me have been Neilson Powless's weird dreams, that Claasy combine shot and the KOM chicken.