I've got a handycam of some sort and a bunch of tapes.
If I want to digitise all the video, archive it and ditch the handycam what's the best way to rip the video to my PC with minimal quality losses and little to no cost?
I've used VideoPad for sticking stuff on youtube but I don't have a flash video card so I don't see any way to input video on my machine.
What type of outputs does the camera have?
Blackmagic do a few input cards/units with different type inputs which might work for you and shouldn’t cost the earth second hand.
Oh yeah, I probs should've checked that first. I assume it has S-Video or Component and it must have composite/rca. I've already ordered the thing that Tester mentioned in the AQA thread, so I'll give it a whirl and see what happens.
I've got a handycam of some sort and a bunch of tapes.
If I want to digitise all the video, archive it and ditch the handycam what's the best way to rip the video to my PC with minimal quality losses and little to no cost?
I've used VideoPad for sticking stuff on youtube but I don't have a flash video card so I don't see any way to input video on my machine.