bit of a long shot but I can't remember enough of the article to find it again, hoping someone here may have also seen it:
A while back I read something about how the dominant plant species (weeds) demonstrate deficiencies or vice versa of certain soil conditions/nutrients whatever. it was sort of about working with nature for a less laborious gardening process. Anybody else know about this?
Not sure but could it have been something by Jack Wallington? Garden designer, occasionally on Gardeners World, author of Wild About Weeds. Has written on this sort of thing I'm sure
bit of a long shot but I can't remember enough of the article to find it again, hoping someone here may have also seen it:
A while back I read something about how the dominant plant species (weeds) demonstrate deficiencies or vice versa of certain soil conditions/nutrients whatever. it was sort of about working with nature for a less laborious gardening process. Anybody else know about this?