Well. I finally did it. I had a Brompton about 8 yrs ago and used it for work. Then when I changed jobs my bright orange 3 speed sat neglected under the stairs apart from occasional jaunts to the pub. So I sold it. Then complained about selling it fairly often as I realised it had been a favourite bike.
But life and financial considerations stopped me from spanking the cash on a new one.
This week the missus gave me the nod, cyclescheme spanked for a new 6 speed explorer. Just waiting on the confirmation paperwork. So excited to be back on a Brompton.
Well. I finally did it. I had a Brompton about 8 yrs ago and used it for work. Then when I changed jobs my bright orange 3 speed sat neglected under the stairs apart from occasional jaunts to the pub. So I sold it. Then complained about selling it fairly often as I realised it had been a favourite bike.
But life and financial considerations stopped me from spanking the cash on a new one.
This week the missus gave me the nod, cyclescheme spanked for a new 6 speed explorer. Just waiting on the confirmation paperwork. So excited to be back on a Brompton.