In terms of the jobs I was going to do, I'd planned to shut all the power off just to be safe anyway. Maybe nievely I don't view any as that major...
Job list:
swap 1 x 2 gang light switch
swap 1 x 1 gang light switch (possibly for a dimmer
add a fused spur + socket to power a WiFi mesh router(?)
add a fused spur + socket to power a switched controlled led light
Stick a weatherproof 2 gang socket on one end of an armoured cable and a plug on the other end.
On the subject of dimmers I was wondering about having a dimmer switch for our single sitting room bulb...
Choose a dimmer with a wattage rating that meets or exceeds the total wattage of all the light bulbs the dimmer will control. For example, if the dimmer controls a fixture with ten 75-watt bulbs, you need a dimmer rated for 750 watts or higher.
... so for a led equivalent 60w blub, what do I need for dimmable, non-buzzy, non-blowy switch?
The rest of your list does look relatively simple. I guess you are going fused spur because don't want to extend a ring for the sockets. If you have to run the cable it's pretty easy to run 2 and extend the ring.
In terms of the jobs I was going to do, I'd planned to shut all the power off just to be safe anyway. Maybe nievely I don't view any as that major...
Job list:
On the subject of dimmers I was wondering about having a dimmer switch for our single sitting room bulb...
... so for a led equivalent 60w blub, what do I need for dimmable, non-buzzy, non-blowy switch?