To illustrate how little the western press really know, look at what has been described in the BBC and elsewhere as Prigozhin's final comment on the day of the mutiny: "We've had an OK result today. Cheered everybody up." The uncredited source of this was an amateur journalist/useful idiot called Patrick Lancaster, an American who wanders around behind Russian lines doing his own thing, which is mostly looking terrified while presenting the Russian point of view. He actually went to Rostov and spoke to Prigozhin. 'Interview' at 3:06
To illustrate how little the western press really know, look at what has been described in the BBC and elsewhere as Prigozhin's final comment on the day of the mutiny: "We've had an OK result today. Cheered everybody up." The uncredited source of this was an amateur journalist/useful idiot called Patrick Lancaster, an American who wanders around behind Russian lines doing his own thing, which is mostly looking terrified while presenting the Russian point of view. He actually went to Rostov and spoke to Prigozhin. 'Interview' at 3:06