Ongoing Adviser Charge 0.00%
Charging bands Fund value Annual charge percentage
1 Below £30,000 0.27%
2 Between £30,000 – and £50,000 0.25%
3 Between £50,000 – and £100,000 0.23%
4 Between £100,000 – and £250,000 0.20%
5 Between £250,000 – and £500,000 0.00%
6 Between £500,000 – and £750,000 0.00%
7 Between £750,000 – and £1,000,000 0.00%
8 £1,000,000 and over 0.00%I've got fuck all in it. I could move the previous pension into it (I should check its fees too).
I could contribute more regularly or I could take that extra and stick it into my personal SIPP from when I was contractor.
Check the fees.
A global (or similar, non-specific) tracker, invested by you in a sipp, could cost below 0.1% per year.
Funds managed for your soulless corp pension could be 3% - 5% and higher per year.
Which would make any investment decision all but moot.