So the calculator just needs to know future interest rate movements, your risk appetite, and what cashflow & liquidity requirements you're going to have in the future 😅
You could probably build something that would show all those things plus tax paid, for different splits and interest rate curves, but I feel like the amount of data you'd have to type in first would discourage most users.
No it doesn't need to be that complicated.
Say I have £500 per month "spare" and the mortgage rate is x and the ISA rate is y. Which one? That kind of thing. Obvs you need to just stick in an estimate if you're talking about more fluctuating stuff but I couldn't tell you how much my pension varied by each month anyway, so let's assume we have a rough % idea.
What I want is a little calculator or something that an idiot (or worse, me) could understand that tells me when I should be paying extra into pension or ISA vs. when I should be overpaying my mortgage...