Yeah I've been checking out your thread actually 🙃
I think my ideal frame must be something quite similar to what you're looking for, it seems like there should be frames like this but it's not easy.I'm also definitely concerned with the downhills more than the uphills here in some ways (especially since honestly I love bombing hills), you can get up somehow if you have time and a small enough gear but I realized getting down and having fun while doing it requires some thought about your setup and how you're carrying your luggage, some roads can get unexpectedly sketch.
You seem to have done a much bigger distance than me on a very much straight up road bike so I am feeling a little reassured, haha
Haha i'm going through the same conundrum for my epic 50k loops around SE London.
Great write up and pics, FWIW i did Tokyo to Hiroshima pretty comfortably on my old CAAD. Did more coast to avoid some of the hills but enjoyed Mount Hakone and a few other "big hills". I wasn't/am still not fit or strong at hills but i had a bike fit before the ride that really helped to ride longer distances at a fairly leisurely pace. In general bike packing bags were great but as you know you can hit some pretty big speeds on the way back down those hills and something more stable is definitely a good shout. A gravel bike would have allowed me to take some more interesting routes for sure but i still had a blast.
Think it was @xDOMx who advised me whatever time i planned for the hill days triple it.