• #9077
Was there any bit of you that was nervous?
• #9078
It was at a Welsh race, maybe the 50mi or 100mi champs and I couldn't piss for ages because I was pretty dehydrated - that was more awkward than worrying.
The only slight panic was when you fill out what drugs you're taking bit I suddenly thought "fuck, I never even thought about my anticoag meds" but then I thought "I've never seen anticoags mentioned in the WADA guide and I'm always low iron and low red cell count anyway so fuck it". -
• #9079
Oh, that and I'd had four bags of cow blood injected into my veins that morning. :D
• #9080
Tramadol ‘Finish Bottle’ at all levels of elite sport.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65543022 -
• #9082
The scenario:
I have a reasonable degree of talent at a given sport, at an early age.
I dont compete at a level, yet, where testing is commonplace. I am unknown to any *ADA.
I am conceivably destined for national / international level competition, but am also a cheatycheater, and I want that extra performance gain from all the dopes.
How would I go about doing it?
Don't the rugby lads just go off and juice before turning pro, so that they are otherwise clean when they compete?
How does that work for a sport such as running / sprinting.
Same paradigm?
If someone came from nowhere, amd was just a shitload faster than everyone else, is making that assumption a little reasonable?
• #9083
Bosh a load of EPO, train harder than humanly possible, become a monster? There's studies that show doping has long term effects on your physiology after stopping and not just the innevitable mid 30s heart attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24730151
• #9084
You've just got to remember to stop doing it or you end up with a JTL situation
• #9085
Same paradigm?
Should be even easier in running as there's much less skill to it.
• #9086
Wasn’t the problem that he did stop which threw flags on his bio passport.
• #9087
So are you saying they dope to get to elite level, then stop doping
• #9088
More idly wondering how you account for someone that suddenly appears at elite level, and kicks everyone's arse.
One thought is that doping can be an asset that accrues gains, particularly if not audited.
• #9089
Maybe they were very calculating and worked on their numbers?
• #9090
how you account for someone that suddenly appears at elite level, and kicks everyone's arse.
Aren't there loads of legit cases of people coming late to certain sports?
Certain ski jumper and formers rowers to cycling. Jay Vine just busting out huge numbers on Zwift to GT stage winner, etc.
• #9091
I mean, there's no reason why it couldn't be legit, and they were just hiding their light under a bushel for a long time.
But if I were being unnecessarily cynical, I might suggest that it's a bit suspish, and convenient that it's not something that can be tested for.
• #9092
What puzzles me is that in cycling aerodynamics is everything but in running, where a few seconds, or even a tenth of a second, can be a huge margin, the clothing doesn't seem to have changed at all.
• #9093
Freeman would be @ you right now
• #9094
I mean there is a British runner that fits this profile no? Broke a BR first time they ran a distance if I recall
• #9095
I mean, Flo Jo was using an aero suit back in the 80s or 90s wasn't she?
Same as DH MTB - they went to skinsuits but then they were banned because it didn't look as cool.
Oh yeah, and Cathy Freeman
• #9097
Anna Meares says she is appalled by the concept. “It’s a joke, to be honest. Unfair, unsafe — I just don’t think this is the right way to go about sport,” she said. -
• #9098
Superman Lopez charged with an anti-doping violation by the UCI:
• #9099
"for use and possession of a prohibited substance in the weeks prior to the Giro d’Italia 2022"
Can we drop the Superturd thing? Miguel Angel SuperCheat Lopez is fine
Miguel Ángel Dópez
• #9100
Why has this taken a year to get processed?