• Thank you, yes it a langster, the bearings are fine, have photos of both the bottom and the top bearings.
    There is no conical cone on top, just normal spacers and a washer.
    The fork doesn't sit on the lower race so I thought the lower race was the wrong one. As it didn't meet the lower bearing.
    So where can I get a washer and where do I fit it?

    It is this bike https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/386140/#comment17002721

  • So where can I get a washer and where do I fit it?

    If you don't have the tools, ask your LBS to remove the old crown race left over from the stock loose ball bearing and fit a new crown race suitable for your bearings. If you do have the relevant bearing puller (or a couple of screwdrivers you don't mind wrecking) and crown race setter, the part is about a fiver. If you get a split crown race, you don't even need a tool to fit it.

  • Looking again, that’s the standard specialized crown race for their ‘semi integrated’ headspace headset. Which is a caged bearing job. It looks like somebody has knocked out the inserts for the bearings and replaced them with cartridge ones, but haven’t changed the race or used the spacer/right top.
