Update having ridden the F300 over the weekend. Marvellous day out, blessed with good weather and not so many midges. Rolled out of Rockcliffe about 4.15am and into Druridge Bay 15 hours later. Would have been a very long day if wet, but the trails were in peak dusty condition and set well for a reasonable pace. 4 quality aid stations set out by the organisers meant that I ended the ride with most of the food I'd brought with me. Though if I never have to taste any of the Rawvelo drink powder flavours again that would be too soon. Well catered for at the end with quality pizza/burger trucks and pop-up bar.
The route itself is a mix of wide fire roads through managed forest, linked by minor roads. Not much in between though there was a 25 minute hike-a-bike section through a very overgrown and steep path at about 95 km, where we became fly/midge prey. Slightly disappointed that the route itself was only 291km so if I was to do it solo I'd probably try and loop in some extra trails and then cut across more directly to the east coast.
Good job, I did it too but in a much longer time, didn’t roll in until 11.30! Lots of faffing around with punctures and feed stops with our group!
The organisation was pretty good although I was a little disappointed in the food options at zones 1 and 2. Stop 4 was great though!
Route was great, the big stretch of tarmac at the end was much appreciated.
last year was the first one iirc, and I think there were a few things learned the hard way. Pizza at the start and snacks etc along the way was v good, but I arrived to find the promised burrito van closed. I finished mid pack so was unprepared for the total lack of food at the finish and very unimpressed by this, couldnt sleep for hunger