I want to put a shelf across here in my cupboard under the stairs, will be required to hold about 10kg. Wall on the right is a piece of plasterboard ~12mm thick with, I think, a void (possibly with a fair few electrical wires) of about 35mm behind it.
Batten for sure, those fixings will pull straight out of the plasterboard.
Left you could do upside down L brackets, but make sure the screws don't got through the stair risers.
Take care around the switch, the wiring will either go straight up or down (hopefully).
I want to put a shelf across here in my cupboard under the stairs, will be required to hold about 10kg. Wall on the right is a piece of plasterboard ~12mm thick with, I think, a void (possibly with a fair few electrical wires) of about 35mm behind it.
Any suggestions on the best way of fixing it? Just wondering if half a dozen of these
would do the job or I need to start thinking about battens and the like. Cheers