Hopefully whomever validates these things at TD (nobody!?)
I looked in to the history a bit yesterday. Doesn't answer that, but I found it interesting.
Matthew Lee, who has won it multiple times is the owner of the contact email on the website (?) He turned the previous Great Divide race into Tour Divide in 2008 because he wanted it to start in Canada not the US border(?) He also owns the Facebook TD page (?)
The guy who did the Great Divide first as a race in 1999; John Stamstad (he also started Iditarod race) hated the route because it was not a real mountain bike kind of ride, too much flat gravel.
This is probably all in the Ride the Divide film, which I haven't seen yet, but want to.
Interesting looking at some videos of the 2008 riders, they look like they are from modern times: bikepacking bags, light down jackets, Spot trackers.Jay Petervary is doing a ride in August that will be more true to the original Great Divide route, 3k miles. I think he is trying to set a fast time and claim some ownership back for Adventure Cycling that originally devised the GD route in 1997(?)
Justinas incident seems to have barley affected him, wonder what happen. Hopefully whomever validates these things at TD (nobody!?) will check. You're meant to keep your spot on for off route or at least GPX of it. But I saw him in a truck.