My MPs approach is exemplary, get elected in a super safe seat and do nothing (including no surgeries) but grift the fuck out of expenses (and be stupid enough to veer into doing it illegally but not get any meaningful censure) while racking up plenty of side hustles. Oh, and get knighted for services to the public. If it turns out to be 20 years of performance art I’ll be most impressed.
I do fancy standing on a platform of just doing absolutely fuck all - “Bill is my hero but I’ll be cheaper” - and see the reaction of the constituents (probably derision at lack of side hustle).
Writing to the whip's office will get them kicked out of their party, but they'll still be an MP unless they go through one of the hoops.
There's no requirement to do anything as an MP so you can't be sacked for not doing your job. You don't have to turn up (e.g. Sinn Fein MPs) or hold any surgeries, etc.